Koch Industries And Their War On The Administrative State: A Defeat For The Climate

Overturning the Chevron doctrine is a power grab by the courts, driven by conservatives and industrialists. A group of chemical and energy companies, Koch Industries, is taking advantage of the conservative Supreme Court majority to advance their goal of undermining environmental regulation and worker protection through a concerted attack on federal agencies. Overturning the Chevron doctrine poses a signficant risk to global climate action and broader human rights in the United States.

Alaska: Balancing Environment And Economy

Fossil fuel production in Alaska has declined by 50% between 2000 and 2021. There are both supporters of and opponents to fossil fuel production among local residents. Biden has largely focused on overturning Trump’s decisions though his decision to approve the Willow project has angered environmental activists.

Our Children’s Trust: Protecting Youth’s Right To A Safe Climate

Our Children’s Trust is a US non-profit law firm that helps youth to fight for their right to a safe climate.They often use the Public Trust Doctrine which states that governments need to manage natural resources in the public’s best interest. They achieved two major victories in Florida and Massassachussetts.

Halfway There: The Midterm Elections

On November 8th, US midterm elections will take place with all House seats, 35 Senate seats and 36 governor seats up for election. Forecasts are close with Republicans favored to win the House, while Democrats are favored to keep the Senate. Results will strongly impact what President Biden can achieve in the coming two years.

Climate Change: Another Victim Of The Politicization Of The Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court has limited EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases, but leaves open options for the EPA to fight climate change. The ruling came as part of a series of rulings led by the new conservative supermajority. The basis of the ruling was the “major questions doctrine” which leaves other regulations potentially vulnerable.