Koch Industries And Their War On The Administrative State: A Defeat For The Climate

Overturning the Chevron doctrine is a power grab by the courts, driven by conservatives and industrialists. A group of chemical and energy companies, Koch Industries, is taking advantage of the conservative Supreme Court majority to advance their goal of undermining environmental regulation and worker protection through a concerted attack on federal agencies. Overturning the Chevron doctrine poses a signficant risk to global climate action and broader human rights in the United States.

Loss & Damage Fund: Developed Nations Delaying Action and Undermining Climate Justice 

Developed countries contribute more to climate change but are disproportionately burdened by its impacts, and often have fewer resources to cope A Loss & Damage fund was agreed at COP28, but developed nations' failure to elect board members delays vital action for vulnerable communities. This neglect of commitments shows weak climate leadership, undermining justice for those most affected by climate change.

ICJ Asked To Clarify Countries’ Obligations To Fight Climate Change

In a historic unanimous resolution the UNGA asked the ICJ to clarify what are states’ obligations to combat the climate crisisPacific island students originated and fought for this, eventually getting more than 120 states on boardWhile not binding, the ICJ’s opinion can provide an important argument in future climate litigation cases and encourage governments’ to strengthen their climate action

Climate Crisis And Poverty: Why The Impact Is Not Shared Equally

Individuals in low-income communities are more affected by inadequate waste management and resource exploitation. People who live in poverty are more susceptible to the consequences of climate risks and lack the adaptive abilities to reduce their exposure than those who have access to education

Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Other States

by Anna Bortolussi Country Portugal, European Union Defendant(s) States Law Applied International Human Rights Law; International Environmental Law; European Convention on Human Rights; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Paris Agreement. Key words States; Human Rights; Mitigation; Climate Justice. Case Information: Court(s): European Court of Human Rights Dissenting Judgement? No Filing Date: 2020 Last Update: 2022 Status: Pending ISSUES...

Environment Jeunesse v. Canada

by Temi Lawal Country Canada Defendant State Law Applied Civil Law; Constitutional Law; Domestic Human Rights Law; Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms; Quebec Charter or Rights and Freedoms; Quebec Code of Civil Procedure. Key Words States; Human Rights; Mitigation; Climate Justice. Case Information: Court(s): Quebec Court of Appeal, Quebec Superior Court Dissenting Judgement? No  Filing Date: 2018 Last Update: 2022 Status: Pending...