Are Commitment Devices A Solution To Climate Myopia?

Commitment devices offer a potential solution to the gap between climate pledges and action by binding policymakers to long-term goals. Real-world examples, like renewable energy mandates and carbon pricing mechanisms, demonstrate the efficacy of commitment devices in driving sustainable change. However, challenges such as loss of flexibility and democratic deficits must be addressed to ensure the success of these mechanisms in tackling the climate crisis.

The Power of Participative Preparation – Investigating the Effect on International Organizations’ Policy Ambition and Comprehensiveness in Biodiversity Governance

by Lara Breitmoser Provenance of the research: 1. Abstract/Summary: The international community has so far failed to halt the loss of biodiversity including falling short of all Aichi targets the UN had set for 2020. Drawing the lessons from the previous defeat, the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity decided to change to a...

Heterogeneity and Interpretability of the Global Hotel Industry’s ESG Ratings by Private ESG Data Providers

by Seochan Jeon Provenance of the research: 1. Abstract/Summary: This dissertation scrutinises the escalating global climate risks and their repercussions for businesses, emphasising the instrumental role of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework in fostering responsible investment (RI). The observed surge in ESG rating metrics introduces discrepancies attributable to divergences in scopes, measurement methodologies,...