And so does ClimaTalk!
If you’re a university (or school) student, recent graduate, young professional or young climate activist and are excited by what we do, we want you to get in touch. ClimaTalk needs your help to help to demystify climate policy and empower other young people. Note that everyone is volunteering. You must be between 18 and 30 years old when sending your application. If you fall outside of that age range and would like to get involved and help our mission please send us an email.
If you want to become part of our team stay tuned for open positions, or send us a spontaneous application. If you want to write articles for us, follow the author application instructions on the right. If you would like to suggest a uni course for our map and/or would like to write a review please fill in this form. If you would like to present your undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral thesis in the climate field, please fill in this form. We are always happy to hear from you!
If you want to become a ClimaTalk author and write for us, please send an email to office[at] with your CV and a writing sample.
Please send an email to office[at] explaining your motivation and attaching your CV. We try to get back to everyone, but please note that it might take a litte longer during busy periods.
If you would like to do an internship with us, either as part of your university degree or independently, please get in touch via office[at] Internships usually last between 2 and 6 months and can be part-time (20hrs/week) or full-time (40hrs/week). Unfortunately, we currently do not have the means to offer payment.
We publish opportunities to get involved in our various teams and projects regularly on our social media (especially INSTAGRAM and LINKEDIN).