Post COP26 Analysis: A Focus on Finance

Climate finance remains an unresolved issue following COP26, little ground was made during negotiations on Loss & Damage and the $100 billion adaptation finance promised by developed countries over a decade ago; Private financiers emerged as a willing funding source for sustainability programmes, with both philanthropists and major companies expressing an interest in addressing gaps in climate finance; The Glasgow Climate Pact recommended a scaling back of fossil fuel subsidies, but many nations have already found loopholes to keep fossil fuels within their energy portfolios.

Categories COP26

Temperate Forests and The Policies In Place for Their Protection

Temperate forests represent a significant resource and perform important ecosystems services,but are threatened due to agricultural expansion, climate change and deforestation The FSC certification imposes several rigorous criteria covering conservation and sustainability, as well as human rights, but it does not always ensure that forests are not negatively impacted The EUTR prohibits illegally-harvested timber from being commercialised in EU markets but gaps in implementation by Member States diminish its effectiveness

Categories Biodiversity