SB60: Personal Reflections from Bonn 2024

At ClimaTalk we’ve been reporting live from the UNFCCC climate conferences since COP26. The Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024 (SB60) was our fifth UNFCCC conference. With this booklet, we’re happy to be sharing some personal experiences of our ClimaTalk team on the ground.Chanel, Christy, Dan and Luisa speak about their experience getting familiar with the conference space, policy tracking, youth engagement, and offer advice to young people wanting to attend and get involved in the future.

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Koch Industries And Their War On The Administrative State: A Defeat For The Climate

Overturning the Chevron doctrine is a power grab by the courts, driven by conservatives and industrialists. A group of chemical and energy companies, Koch Industries, is taking advantage of the conservative Supreme Court majority to advance their goal of undermining environmental regulation and worker protection through a concerted attack on federal agencies. Overturning the Chevron doctrine poses a signficant risk to global climate action and broader human rights in the United States.

How Should Climate Mobility Be Addressed In The Global Goal On Adaptation?

Elements of Human Mobility due to Climate Change (HMCC), such as migration and planned relocation, are increasingly being recognised as effective strategies for adaptation. Integration of HMCC into the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) will lead to a better understanding of this issue by developing quantifiable and measurable targets and indicators. HMCC can be integrated into GGA by including it as part of the iterative adaptation cycle, inviting The Taskforce on Displacement in consultations, understanding the inclusion of HMCC in existing NAPs and by broadening the scope of Adaptation Finance.