Climate Change And Extreme Events: Floods

Floods are causing widespread economic and non-economic Loss and Damage all around the globe with impacts ranging from loss of lives and damage of infrastructure to health and food security related concerns Floods are hydro-metorological hazards that occur caused due to a variety of both hydrological and anthropogenic factors Challenges such as lack of data and complex nature of interplay between hydrological and anthropogenic factors make it difficult for scientists to attribute floods to climate change

Indonesia’s New Capital City: An Environmental Justice Perspective

The relocation of Indonesia's capital from Jakarta to Nusantara is framed as a solution to the environmental crisis facing the sinking city, yet this narrative overlooks deeper issues of environmental justice. The relocation raises significant concerns, including land degradation, displacement of Indigenous communities, social inequality, and overlooked environmental issues. Without a more inclusive and sustainable approach, the relocation could exacerbate inequalities in both the new and old capitals.