SB60: Personal Reflections from Bonn 2024

At ClimaTalk we’ve been reporting live from the UNFCCC climate conferences since COP26. The Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024 (SB60) was our fifth UNFCCC conference. With this booklet, we’re happy to be sharing some personal experiences of our ClimaTalk team on the ground.Chanel, Christy, Dan and Luisa speak about their experience getting familiar with the conference space, policy tracking, youth engagement, and offer advice to young people wanting to attend and get involved in the future.

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What Is The Glasgow Climate Pact?

The most high-profile commitment of the Glasgow Climate Pact was the promise to ‘phasedown’ coal use - rather than to phase it out. However, the pact did mark the first time in the UN climate process that the Parties recognised the need to rapidly reduce coal The Glasgow Climate Pact promised progress on finance, adaptation, Article 6, and employed strong language supporting the scientific consensus on climate change. Loss and damage and nature and biodiversity received far fewer concrete commitments in the final draft.