EU Youth Are Calling For A Post-Growth Society

Our new Guest Feature discusses growing support from youth for moving beyond a growth-based economy. Zooming in on the recently published youth-led “Manifesto for an Intergenerationally Just Post-growth Economy”, the article explores youth’s policy proposals for a new socio-economic paradigm. It argues that post-growth, which is already receiving growing attention from policymakers, must now take a permanent place on the EU policy agenda.

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The Problem that Pesters: Reducing Pesticide Use in the European Union

IPM is a solution to significantly reduce the use of pesticides in the EU, which have shown to be damaging to biodiversity, the environment, as well as human health. Adopting IPM would prioritize strengthening Europe’s biodiversity and support tackling some key issues that face the agricultural sector and food supply concerns due to climate change. There is resistance to adopting this strategy as it would disrupt the current pesticide industry, and farmers are reluctant to change because it may affect their yield and income.

Euro 7 – A new emissions standard for clean mobility

In an effort to cut pollution and improve air quality, the EU Commission has proposed new rules known as Euro 7 to tighten emission requirements for vehicles sold within the EU. Manufacturers and industry organizations are worried about the timetable, the emissions caps, and the potential financial costs of the new laws. The idea of delaying the application date and aligning the rules with international norms are two topics of continuing discussion.