Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)
An accessible one-page factsheet on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) created by ClimaTalk ahead of COP29. The factsheet goes into the background of the negotiations, the state of play and the key questions for COP29. It also lists key events and meetings (which were already scheduled and public at the time of writing) and links to the UNFCCC page for the topic if you would like further information. The factsheet is downloadable for free, you can find the PDF below.
We have other short and accessible factsheets in the same format on most of the major COP29 policy topics – you can find them here. Please note that these factsheets were created before the start of COP29. Our factsheets go through a very diligent two-step editing process, however if you do notice a mistake or missing information, please email us at office[at]climatalk.org
For further information and preparation help check out our COP29 Training recording, our COP29 Factsheet and our ABCs of Climate COPs Booklet.
Read and download the COP29 factsheet here: