Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport

Glenn Micallef, Maltese Commissioner-designate, will lead a new EU role focused on intergenerational fairness, covering youth, culture, and sport. His priorities include youth mental health, online safety, cultural rights, and promoting inclusivity in sports.

by Theodora De Pasquale

On September 17th, 2024, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen introduced the list of commissioners-designates and their portfolios. For the first time, a Commissioner will be responsible for intergenerational fairness. This role will also cover youth, culture and sport, underlining a commitment to an inclusive vision of Europe and the well-being of future generations [1].

The Maltese candidate Glenn Micallef has been nominated to oversee this portfolio. On November 27th, the Plenary Session of the European Parliament reunited in Strasbourg and elected him with 370 in favor, 282 against, and 36 abstentions [2].

Intergenerational Fairness

At the heart of this role is the concept of intergenerational fairness, balancing the needs of current and future generations. Micaleff has emphasised his dedication to policies that ensure sustainable development and economic stability and that seek to address  the youth unemployment crisis by focusing on creating accessible job markets and career pathways for young people [1].


A central focus of the portfolio is youth mental health, an important challenge among young Europeans that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, economic instability, the climate crisis, and the negative effects of social media use. Micallef aims to introduce mechanisms to support mental well-being including by ensuring mental health resources (increasing mental health professionals, funding youth counselling programs, establishing safe spaces) are accessible in schools and workplaces [3].

Additionally, Maltese Glenn Micallef has underscored his commitment to tackling pressing social issues that affect young people, including cyberbullying, youth unemployment and the protection of children’s rights. As part of this commitment, he plans to collaborate with digital platforms to enhance online safety and accountability.


Micaleff is also focused on safeguarding artistic freedom from digital age challenges which can be understood as the dual pressures of an evolving industry and the rise of artificial intelligence. Specifically, he has pledged to review and reinforce copyright protections for music creators, visual artists and other workers within the cultural sector [3]. Another priority for Micaleff is the protection of artistic and cultural freedom across the EU, especially in regions where freedom of expression may face challenges.


Micaleff highlights the power of sport to foster inclusion, diversity and a healthy lifestyle. It is a vehicle through which  to build social cohesion and combat health issues associated with sedentary lifestyles [3]. He also aims to address systemic inequalities within individual and team sports, aligning with a broader vision of an inclusive Europe where all citizens have equal opportunities and access to participation and success.

Ultimately, his nomination marks a significant step toward a proactive and forward-looking European Union that values the perspectives of all age groups. It emphasises a commitment to the long-term well-being of future generations, with a focus on promoting youth mental health, supporting cultural industries, and encouraging physical activity through sport [4]. Moreover, climate change will also be part of his political battle [3].


[1] European Parliament, Hearing of Commissioner-designate Glenn Micallef (2024) Accessed on 28/11/2024.
[2] John Azzopardi, Glenn Micallef Appointed Malta’s EU Commissioner (2024) Accessed on 28/11/2024.
[3] POLITICO, Malta’s commissioner hearing: Glenn Micallef quizzed on plan to boost youth and culture (2024) Accessed on 28/11/2024.
[4] The Good Lobby, An EU Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness (2024) Accessed on 28/11/2024.
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