Wildfires: Their Impact On Climate, Biodiversity And Society

Wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity due to rising global temperatures, posing a significant threat to climate, biodiversity, and society. Wildfires not only contribute to climate change but also disrupt ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss and detrimental effects on human health and economies. Effective policy interventions are needed to manage wildfires, mitigate their causes, and reduce their impact on communities and ecosystems.

Precision Fermentation And The Role It Could Play in Reducing Carbon Emissions

Precision fermentation combines molecular biology with the brewing industry to produce essential ingredients such as proteins, fats and medicines. It offers the chance to make ingredients with substantially less environmental footprint, even upcycling waste materials. Scaling precision fermentation processes is notoriously difficult and hampered by high infrastructure costs.

Agroforestry For Biodiversity And Climate Resilience

In addition to food production, modern agriculture must provide ecosystem services such as water quality, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and nutrient cycling. Agroforestry provides ecosystem services by managing trees together with annual crops or pasture lands. A paradigm shift toward agroforestry comes with opportunities for technology, diversification, and employment in agriculture.