COP27 Recap & Looking Ahead To COP28
As COP27 begins to fade away from memory, it’s important to reflect and note down some of the significant achievements that came out of the conference and to set our eyes on the upcoming COP28.
As COP27 begins to fade away from memory, it’s important to reflect and note down some of the significant achievements that came out of the conference and to set our eyes on the upcoming COP28.
CBD COP15 was highly anticipated by those within the conservation sector and the emerging nature-based solutions industry. On the agenda were several discussions on pollinator protection, agricultural practices, forestry, and marine spaces — but the biggest item was an ambitious plan to protect 30% of the world’s natural areas by 2030.
Land use change refers to the change in function of an area of land. Since the 1960s, demand for food has resulted in an unprecedented rate of land use change. Land conversion for agriculture is a key driver of the current climate emergency.
Modern-day agriculture is unsustainable, accounting for 25% of global greenhouse emissions and failing to adequately distribute food to meet the needs of the global population.