“The Missing x”  

“A man asks a waiter for a coffee without cream. The waiter apologises and informs the man that they don’t have any cream, only milk. Could he bring the man some coffee without milk?”This is a little joke Slavoj Zizek uses about negation, that coffee without cream is somehow different from coffee without milk. But it can point us at what is (absurdly) missing in all our thinking and reporting about climate change, a reliable, comparable index for emissions.

Food@COP: A youth-led food and climate campaign nearly 4 years young

As we wrote for ClimaTalk back in 2021, Food@COP is a collection of youth from across the globe who believe that climate-friendly negotiations must take place over climate-friendly meals. We call upon the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) host country organizers to serve affordable, nutritious, predominantly plant-based, and culturally inclusive foods that reflect the urgency of the climate crisis. Here’s an update on the group’s activities in 2023 and details of a few grassroots projects led by active campaigners.