The Other Environmental Front: What To Expect From The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework is the first set of biodiversity targets in over a decade, setting ambitious goals for the 2020s. Particular milestones are the commitment to protecting 30% of all land areas and ocean territories as well as focusing on consulting, valuing, and protecting indigenous stewards. Criticism includes its non-binding legal nature, previous failures to commit, and a Western approach to conservation which might threaten indigenous autonomy.

The Defenders Of Atlanta

In 2021, the Atlanta Council approved plans for a new police and firefighter training in a forested area in Atlanta dominated by people of colour with low incomes.These plans have sparked numerous protests from neighbourhoods and environmental activists due to the negative impacts the facility would have.Authorities have responded excessively, culminating in the death of an environmental activist, activists being branded as domestic terrorists and the Georgia governor declaring a state of emergency.