The Carbon Cycle And The Keeling Curve

The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical process in which carbon is exchanged between reservoirs through fluxes over a period of time. The dynamic equilibrium of the carbon cycle is heavily disrupted due to human emissions from burning fossil fuels and land degradation, leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide. The Keeling curve is the longest recorded graph of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere on Earth; it indicates that CO2 levels today are the highest in 800,000 years.

Water Shortages In Central Asia: Climate Symptoms And Political Instability

Central Asia is one of the most arid regions in the world and is watered nearly entirely by one source: the Tibetan Plateau. The Amu Darya basin within the Tibetan Plateau has shown a decline of 119% in water-supply capacity, and experts predict a near-total collapse in water availability to downstream regions. Water availability has been linked to a number of clashes in the region over the past few decades, such as border clashes in 2014 and 2016.