The Emissions and Adaptation Reports: An Evaluation

The Paris 2050 Targets are a set of initiatives to limit global warming to below 2 degree Celsius, with ambitious efforts to limit this to 1.5degree Celsius. Of 184 countries that pledged carbon reduction under the Paris Agreement, 75% of countries’ pledges were insufficient to meet the 2? target of . The fifth annual UNEP Report focuses on nations’ advanced strategies to adapt to climate change by researching Nature-Based Solutions, which aim to ensure a balance between society and sustaining biodiversity.

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The Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)

To reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, the European Union (‘EU’) enacted a comprehensive package of measures. Among them, of particular relevance is the Renewable Energy Directive (‘RED II’) which lays down the legal framework for the deployment of renewable energy sources or ‘renewable energy’ across all sectors of the EU’s economy [1]. This article provides an overview of the Directive’s main provisions and its recently proposed amendment in the context of the ‘Fit for 55 Package’ proposal.

Categories EU - Policies