Reflections on the Opening of the 76th United Nations General Assembly

The UN General Assembly opening took place this September with two weeks of speeches from world leaders. The broad overview of global policy direction evidenced an escalating climate rhetoric and bold new proposals relating to coal and green finance. However, blind spots persisted as leaders failed to address how climate change intersects with gender, youth and indigeneity.

Understanding the EU Forest Policy

Adopted in July 2021, the EU forest strategy is the European Union’s plan to improve the quantity and quality of forests in its Member States. It is part of the “Fit for 55” package, the EU’s overall plan to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The forest strategy aims to strengthen forest protection, restore biodiversity and carbon pits, and increase the resilience of natural habitats. Not only that, but it is also an ambitious plan to create jobs and improve health conditions, although it does have drawbacks.

Categories EU - Policies