Youth Climate Leaders

Project Summary

Youth Climate Leaders trains and connects young people from all over the world with networks and opportunities to catalyze careers within the climate and sustainability areas. After completing a program with YCL, participants become part of the YCL Network, a global community of practice with members from different areas of expertise. Our activities are divided into three pillars: 

#Pillar 1: Learning Journeys
Participants witness firsthand the impacts of climate change and improve their technical and leadership skills while working together. They also have mentorship sessions to leave our programs with a clear action plan to start or boost their careers.

#Pillar 2: YCL Global Network
A community of climate professionals with members from over 20 countries and multiple areas of expertise. YCL alumni promote our programs in their countries and lead YCL Hubs, acting as multipliers by facilitating educational activities and implementing local projects.

#Pillar 3: Professional Opportunities
Members of the Global YCL Network have access to exclusive benefits, such as participating in events, projects, and global delegations. They are also mentored by experienced professionals and have access to a weekly compilation of diverse opportunities in the area of climate change.

So far, we have organised:

  • 5 learning journeys
  • 2 international immersions
  • 4 editions of the YCL Course

For further details, take a look at our Activity Report Jan 2018 – Aug 2020.

YCL Global Network 

Spread out over 20+ countries, the YCL network is GLOBAL. Encompassing students, researchers, entrepreneurs, young professionals, mentors, influencers, government members, and community representatives, our network leverages impact ensuring that local efforts are part of a global movement.

Up to now, the YCL Global Network comprises:

  • 55 Institutional partners
  • 325 Alumni
  • 50 YCL Mentors
  • 55 Partner organisations

YCL Course — Climate leadership for the 21st century

The YCL Course focuses on the personal and professional development of young people towards the climate agenda. 100% online, it serves young professionals from various Portuguese-speaking countries. It aims at participants between 18 and 35 years old, who seek to have a general notion of the climate career, being the gateway to a global network and more specific/advanced courses. It is composed of 8 weeks of classes, with a total of 41 hours. At the end of the course, participants have exclusive access to opportunities for professional exchanges, job vacancies, and mentoring.

We believe that human rights and the climate crisis are not separated issues. YCL understands that a decarbonised society cannot flourish without addressing systemic discrimination. Therefore, we extend scholarships to low-income participants and assure that our network is diverse and inclusive. 40% of our alumni received financial support to join our learning journeys and our network. 

We also adopt intersectional lenses to all our activities and programs, by referring more women and Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) professionals. We encourage interested parties to join us in this movement by supporting us financially and helping us sponsor more scholarships.

Day of the Climate Professional (DCP)

The Day of the Climate Professional (DCP) is an annual date to celebrate and support the professionals accelerating solutions to the climate crisis. The 2020 inaugural edition was marked by an all-day virtual summit — networking activities, workshops, keynote presentations, interactive Q&As, and more — fostering reflections and actions on the interdisciplinarity of climate change, its urgency, and the importance of tackling it through the joint efforts of varied professions and sectors of society. Check the events here.

Unleash Hacks Brazil 2020

In November 2020, Youth Climate Leaders teamed up with MeViro to organise the first UNLEASH Hacks in Brazil. The edition was 100% online and free. The Hack had the overarching goal of fostering a sustainable Covid-19 recovery in Brazil through prototyping climate solutions, focusing on SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). The event flourished with a total of 56 people involved: 26 participants from 4 countries, 21 experts, 3 judges, 4 facilitators, and 4 members from the organising team. It ended up with 4 incredible solutions to the given challenge. Check the projects here. After the success of the event, YCL is now planning to organise more “climathons”, providing young people the tools and orientation to develop climate action projects while improving their leadership skills and network.

2021 & beyond

Youth Climate Leaders’ agenda for 2021 is quite busy! Check out some of our upcoming activities:

  • 1. YCL Course

Two new editions to come! One on April-May, and the other on October-November. Check the program (in Portuguese) here.

2. YCL Hubs

The YCL Hubs are innovation-orientated spaces that act as platforms to locally coordinate, foster, and multiply climate solutions and activities while being interconnected by the Global YCL Network. Our regional Hubs are developing a diverse set of activities, such as webinars, IGTV live streams, documentaries, and many more. Follow us on Instagram to check all the amazing content on climate.

3. Mentoring

YCL mentoring is a unique opportunity for young people to discuss their professional aspirations with an experienced professional, whether they are at the beginning of the professional path or interested in making a career transition. Check our list of mentors here.

4. DPC 2021

Our most expected event of the year is coming in November! Stay tuned!

Keep in touch!

Instagram: @youthclimateleaders

Founded in 2018 by four young Brazilian women, Youth Climate Leaders (YCL) offers solutions to help young people tackle two main challenges of this century: the climate crisis and structural unemployment. We create opportunities for young professionals by providing education and bridging the gaps between organisations that operate in the climate sector. Through this global network, we are able to prepare and connect them to projects that will make our society more just and carbon-neutral.

Categories Projects and Initiatives

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